MODULE 1: Login and features available both pre- and post-login.
Most beneficial to our existing members, this education module is designed to enhance your understanding of website features available before login and after login. Click here to view

MODULE 2: Managing member profile information.
This may be THE most important module for you to view and act on! It is UP TO YOU to CHOOSE the visibility of your personal information (i.e., your name, address, other contact information, certification, etc.). YOU decide what information is accessible to the public, which would allow non-members such as coordinators, assignors, and conference staff to contact you, or limit accessibility to either other members or administration only. You'll see that our default settings provide a high level of privacy, but YOU can make changes to increase your visibility. Click here to view
The ABCs of Managing your online PAVO Member Profile: Part 1 of 2 - Managing the Visibility of Your Profile Information. Click here for the PDF
The ABCs of Managing your online PAVO Member Profile: Part 2 of 2 - Managing Your Profile Photo and Your Email Address of Record. Click here for the PDF

MODULE 3: Accessing username, Changing password, and creating an account.
It happens to all of us. Who can really keep track of it all? This module details the necessary steps to retrieving your username and/or password. Instructions for creating a new account can be found here as well. Click here to view