Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When will the 2025 camps be announced?
2025 camp dates and locations will be announced in mid-February. The PAVO camp team strives to announce this information as early as possible each year so hopeful attendees can plan their schedules accordingly. The announcement date is largely dependent on how early (or late) schools confirm their spring tournament plans. There may be a "second round" of camps released if we acquire more camp sites after the initial announcement. Updates will be shared here on the PAVO website and on the PAVO Facebook page (email notifications will also be sent to current PAVO members).
Which type of camp should I attend?
- Advanced Referee Camps — These camps are designed for referees who are interested in breaking into the top-tier, Division I conferences and/or are preparing to pursue a PAVO National Referee certification in the upcoming fall season. An application process is required. Applicants are expected to have at least a few years of collegiate refereeing experience under their belt, and they will need to submit a referee resume and two (2) references with their application.
- Collegiate Referee Camps — These camps are designed for referees who are currently officiating any division or level of women's collegiate competition. Although these camps are filled on a "first-come, first-served" basis and do not require a formal application process, you are required to have a minimum of one (1) year of experience working as a collegiate referee to attend this camp type. Registrants will be required to submit the name of one (1) conference coordinator (DI, DII, DIII, NAIA, or NJCAA) as a reference.
- Referee Camps — These camps are designed for referees of any level who are interested in building their foundational refereeing skills. These camps are filled on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Although PAVO strives to host all of our camps at collegiate-level tournaments, this camp type may be hosted at a juniors' tournament with strong competition.
- Line Judge Camps — These camps are designed for line judges of any level who are interested in building their line judging skills. These camps are filled on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
Can I attend more than one camp?
New in 2025, camp attendance will be limited to one camp type per person (e.g. one referee camp (any level) and/or one line judge camp per person during each camp season). PAVO strives to continually grow and expand the camp program. However, feasible camp sites can be difficult to obtain. Spots at camps are limited and fill up very quickly (sometimes within less than 24 hours). We want to provide the opportunity to attend a camp to as many officials as possible.
I am applying for an Advanced Referee Camp. Can I also register for a different Collegiate Referee Camp or Referee Camp in the case that my application does not get selected?
Yes! Because Advanced Referee Camps require an application process and there is the chance that your application may not be selected, then you may still register for a different Collegiate Referee Camp or Referee Camp before the selections are made. If your application is selected and you previously successfully registered for a Collegiate Referee Camp or Referee Camp, then you will have the option to attend ONE (1) of those camps, and you will be refunded the registration fee for the camp that you choose not to attend.
How does the waiting list work?
When all available spots at a camp are filled, then a waiting list will open. Waiting lists will be available for ALL camps! Registration for a waiting list will be completed through the E-store (except for Advanced Referee Camp applicants — this group of individuals will receive special instructions about "alternate" spots after the selection process is complete). There is no way to predict or guarantee that a spot will become available at a camp. If someone withdraws their registration and a spot does open up at a camp, then that spot will be offered to someone on the waiting list (in ascending order of registration time). If you are "bumped up" from a waiting list, then you will receive unique instructions about how to register for your camp. Please reach out to the camp director, Breanna Spain (, to inquire about your queue on a waiting list.
All of the camps that I am interested in attending are full. Can I register for more than one waiting list?
Yes, absolutely! There is no limit on the amount of waiting lists that you can register for, as these are "informal" registrations and do not require a payment. If a spot opens up at a camp, outreaches will be made by the camp director to fill that spot (again, in ascending order of registration time).
What will the camp schedule/format look like?
Camps have a two-day format and are typically hosted on a Friday/Saturday. On the first day of camp (Friday), there will be a classroom-style, theoretical training session followed by an on-court, practical training session. The meeting time on Friday typically begins at 5:00 PM (local time). So, we ask that you plan your arrival on Friday accordingly. The second day of camp (Saturday) will be a full day of tournament play consisting of live, in-match feedback and post-match debriefs. Tournament schedules and formats will vary at each site. Please plan for a departure that allows enough time for you to participate in final debriefs and a camp wrap-up following the conclusion of tournament play (e.g., a departure on Saturday evening or anytime on Sunday).
What kind of accommodations will be provided at my camp?
Participants are responsible for arranging their own travel plans, which includes booking flights, hotel rooms, rental cars/ride shares, etc. Refreshments will be provided before and during the theoretical and practical training sessions on Friday evening, and lunch will be provided on Saturday. Please reach out to your camp staff if you need assistance with a ride to/from the airport, hotel, and/or playing venue, and they will help you to the best of their ability. Participants are also encouraged to coordinate rides and hotel stays with other camp attendees.
What do I need to bring to my camp?
For the theoretical and practical training sessions on Friday, the dress code is business casual clothing with comfortable shoes. For tournament play on Saturday, participants will wear the PAVO/NCAA uniform (navy slacks, all white shoes and socks, a black belt, and one of the Certified Volleyball Officials polos). Participants are encouraged to bring paper and writing utensils to take notes on both days of camp (electronic note-taking devices are fine as well).
- Referee campers — Please bring your refereeing essentials (whistle, sanction cards, flipping coin, net chain, and ball pump).
- Line judge campers — Please bring your line judging essentials (a set of flags).
Other than that, just bring a positive attitude and an eagerness to learn! :)
Any other questions?
Please direct technical/registration questions to the PAVO Help Desk at
Please direct program-related questions to the PAVO Camp Director, Breanna Spain, at