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Awards and Recognition

PAVO Honor Award   |   PAVO Hall of Fame   |   PAVO Excellence in Service    |    USA Volleyball Meritorious Service Award


Each of these awards have been established so that PAVO can honor the outstanding achievements, service, and accomplishments of its members.

PAVO Honor Award

A letter identifying the nominee and evidence of their accomplishments in terms of the criteria listed below must accompany the nomination form.

Send completed nomination packets for this award by November 4, 2024 to:

Karen McNaught, Chair, PAVO Awards Committee
2024 PAVO Honor Award Nomination


The Honor Award is PAVO's highest award, and members are encouraged to nominate candidates for this annual recognition. Candidates must be at least 30 years of age and have worked in promoting officiating through PAVO (or through his/her local affiliated board) for at least ten years. Candidates should be persons of high moral character and personal integrity who, by their leadership and efforts, have made an outstanding and noteworthy contribution through officiating.

To indicate leadership or meritorious contribution, nominations should present evidence of successful experience in ANY of the following categories of service:
Category 1: Leadership
Member of the PAVO Board of Directors.
Outstanding service at the local level in promoting the work of PAVO.
Category 2: Committee Work
Committee work over a period of three years or more with the local or national structure of PAVO.
Category 3: Writing-Research
Author or co-author of one or more books in areas dealing with volleyball officiating.
Author of five or more articles concerning volleyball officiating that have been published in periodicals of national scope.
Producer or director of visual aids to be used in the teaching of volleyball officiating.
Category 4: Speaking and Teaching
Significant addresses for educational groups, conventions, and mass media about volleyball officiating.
Presentations of clinics and workshops concerning volleyball officiating.
Teaching and training of volleyball officials.
Category 5: Officiating and Rating
Hold a PAVO National referee certification.
Officiate post-season women's college volleyball events.
Rate officials for a period of five or more years.
Category 6: Public Relations
Promote the use of PAVO officials as an administrator of a school or recreation group or as a committee member of a city or league.
Serve on the governing body of sports officiating groups other than PAVO and promote women in the decision-making process of other sport groups.
Make an outstanding contribution to developing officiating in volleyball that is not included in the above criteria.

*All Honor Award winners receive a lifetime membership to PAVO and are automatically members of the PAVO Hall of Fame. Current Hall of Fame members are:


 1986 Helen Parker  1997 Denise Izatt  2005 Patti Barrett  2012 Crystal Lewis  2019 Carole Burke
 1987 Sue Lemaire  1998 Ann Fruechte  2006 Pati Rolf  2013 Steve Thorpe  2021 Paul Albright
 1987 Marty Orner  1999 Pete Dunn  2007 Ben Jordan  2014 Anne Pufahl  2022 Donna Carter 
 1989 Brenda Gelston  2000 Linda Fletcher  2008 Dale Goodwin  2015 Terry Lawton  2023 Julie Voeck
 1989 Gale House  2001 Karen Gee  2009 Mike Carter  2016 Verna Klubnikin  2024 Donnie Goodwin
 1990 Ann Casey  2002 Marcia Alterman  2010 Joan Powell  2017 Mary Faragher  
 1996 Milo Moyano  2003 Cathy Davis  2011 Wally Hendricks  2018 Corny Galdones  

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PAVO Excellence in Service Award

Two letters of recommendation must accompany this nomination form.

Send completed nomination packets for this award by November 20, 2024 to:

Lynette Muller, PAVO Executive Administrator
2024 PAVO Excellence in Service Award Nomination


The Excellence in Service Award has been established to honor those who give so generously of their time. Members can nominate a local leader for the Excellence in Service Award.

 Criteria includes:

  1. Be a current member of PAVO in good standing.
  2. Served as a PAVO Board Chair or in another leadership role with a PAVO Affiliated Board in the past twelve months.
  3. Demonstrates active support of PAVO missions and objectives.
  4. Actively pursues additional training opportunities for members of the affiliated board.
  5. Utilizes all available resources to provide a mentoring program for new officials.
  6. Actively seeks new members to join PAVO through affiliated boards.

All nominations are considered by an award committee comprised of the PAVO President, a Member-at-Large, and the member services staff person.

 2001 Ed Thornburgh, Indiana  2011 Apple Kridakorn, Alabama  2018 Christina Fiebich, Metro
 2002 Pat Martin, Alabama  2012 Carlos Rodriguez, Texas  2019 Wade DuBois, Western New England
 2003 Peter Meyer, Arizona  2013 Marc Blau, Tacoma Pierce  2021 Betty Jo Willard, East Tennessee
 2005 Ray Wiley, North Carolina  2014 Tom Sweeney, Merrimack Valley   2022 Dan Houser, SAVRA
 2006 Linda Frazier, Kansas  2015 Michael Albright, Philadelphia   2023 Marigay Schopp, Oregon Collegiate 
 2007 Keith Murlless, North Carolina  2016 Anne-Marie Carr-Reardon, Boston   2024 Denise Penzkofer, East Tennessee
 2008 Betty Near, Michigan  2016 Ann Hutchins, Michigan   
 2009 Donna Carter, Central Florida  2017 Ray Mink, Pacific Sierra  
 2010 Peggy Schaefer, Mid-Atlantic  2018 Robyn Courchane, Metro  


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USA Volleyball Meritorious Service Award

As a member organization of USA Volleyball, PAVO can identify up to five individuals each year to receive the USAV Meritorious Service Award. The PAVO Board of Directors recognizes individuals who have given so much to the sport of volleyball by contributing to the programs and goals of the organization on a local and national level.

    2019      2018      2017      2016

Robyn Buck
Jerry Moews
Rachael Stringer 
Maggie Weissenburger
Marquette Women's Volleyball

Mike Behrens
Tammy Dotson
Christina Fiebich
Brian Jones
Lisa Kresha


Gary Hajek
Paula Martin
Mark Sykes
Ryan Tighe
Bill Topp
Mike Carter
Suzanne Dodd
Wade Dubois
Molly Faragher
Ed Vesely
     2015       2014      2013      2012

CJ McAbee-Reher
Tim Stevens
Denis Bergstedt
Mary Blalock
Doug Darling

Bill Stanley
Donna Carter
Anne Pufahl
Kim Wishum
Lloyd Stevens

Steve Thorpe
Brian Hemelgarn
Keith Murlless
John Patterson
Miki Kennedy
Carlos Rodriguez
Joan Powell
Leisa Jordan
Thomas Hoy
Kathy DeBoer
     2011      2010      2009      2008
Jim Momsen
Mike Hamilton
Ric Washburn
Todd Dagenais
Becky Oakes
Dan Houser
Steve Bishop
James Phillips
Peggy Schaefer
Deanna Summers
Jason Jones
Daryl Korinek
Phil Nadeau
Nick Todorovich
Dave Yeast
Tad Watson
Crystal Lewis
Mike Pereira
Mark McCloskey
Sharon Cessna
      2007      2006      2005      2004
Jung Park
Heather Perry
Melissa Stokes
Sue Mailhot
Phil Shoemaker
Chris Robinson
Susie Fritz
Julie Voeck
Piep Van Heuven
Charlie Brown          
Brad Underwood
Joel Reinford
Steve Ellinger
Verna Klubnikin
Don Hardin          
Paul Albright
Mary Faragher
Sue Medley
Tom Sweeney
Sheryl Solbeg      
      2003      2002      2001      2000
Deitre Collins
Barry Mano
Sheryl Solberg
Kelly Stosik
Jack Wilcox          
Charles Ezigbo
Dennis Lafata
Margie Mara
Pat Martin
Rusty Wellman
Mary Ann Borowicsz
Kathy Ferraraccio
Don Goodwin
Ed Thornburgh
Brenda Weare
Jennifer Alley
Diane Everett
Wayne Lee
Susie Senecaut
Van Swearingen          
      1999      1998      1997      1996
Corny Galdones
Wally Hendricks
Karen Kuhn
Nancy Nester
Susan True
Debbie Chin
Dale Goodwin
Tim Harlow
Michael Hilliard
Rick Welch          
Norma Carr
Ann Casey
Linda Fletcher
Denise Izatt
Alice Khol
Anne Marie Carr-Reardon
Cathy Davis
Cindy Hardy
Jamie Lipman
Donna Wilson

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Direct questions to Lynette Muller, Executive Administrator, PAVO Central Office at or 316-788-4035.

Direct technical questions to