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Types of Certification

Referee Certifications

PAVO has established five progressive rating levels for referees:

  • Apprentice - qualified to officiate matches that may be adequately controlled by a competent, but inexperienced official.
  • Local - qualified to officiate interscholastic and intercollegiate matches requiring a competent and experienced official.
  • State - qualified to officiate any match within the state or region where the rating is awarded.
  • Retired National - allows an individual who is no longer actively officiating at the national level to remain active in the local board area for the purposes of training and rating.

Line Judge Certifications

PAVO has established two progressive rating levels for line judges:

  • qualified to officiate matches that may be adequately controlled by a competent, but inexperienced line judge.

Scorer Certification

PAVO offers a certification process for women’s collegiate scorers that requires attending an annual clinic administered by an approved clinician using the current PAVO training materials, completing the current-year written examination and obtaining on-court evaluations. The training process includes practice games that cover typical and unusual situations that scorers are required to understand and record.

Direct questions to Lynette Muller, Executive Administrator, PAVO Central Office at or 316-788-4035.

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