NOTE: ALL Convention Registrations are completed online through the PAVO E-Store.
• Contact PAVO Help at PAVOhelp@gmail.com if you experience technical issues with your registration.
• Contact Lynette Muller at pavo@pavo.org or (316) 788-4035 if you have questions about the Convention.
Choose from two (2) registration packages (INFO SHEET):
Full-Convention* |
$325.00 |
$375.00 |
$375.00 |
$400.00 |
Mini-Convention* |
$250.00 |
$275.00 |
NCAA Championship Match Tickets**
Thursday, December 19 (Semifinal Matches) and
Sunday, December 22 (Championship Match)
Price $205 / set
Tickets are not included with convention registration.
1 set of all-session tickets includes individual admission to the 2 semifinal matches on Thur., Dec. 19, and the championship match on Sun., Dec. 22. Seats are located in Section 114 (lower bowl) of the KFC YUM! Center. Limited quantity available. Non-registrants may not place ticket orders through PAVO. |
AVCA USMC Honors Banquet
Thursday, December 19
Noon to 1:45 PM EST
Price $50 / ticket
Kentucky International Convention Center Ballroom CDE
May overlap some PAVO Convention Sessions
AVCA All-America/P-O-Y Banquet by Nike
Friday, December 20
10:45 AM to 12:45 PM EST
Price $50 / ticket
Kentucky International Convention Center Ballroom CDE
Will overlap some PAVO Convention Sessions
Before 12/1/2024 |
On or After 12/1/2024 |
Full-Convention* |
$125.00 |
$200.00 |
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